Beauty Spies

Tackling Pigmentation with Painless Pico Laser Treatment at Halley Medical Aesthetics

I’ve been skipping sunscreen since my teenage years, and had acne due to oily skin. Sun spots, freckles, post-acne scarring and “new moles” are now part of my fair skin. *sob*

Evidently, pigmentation spots have increased over the years. More pesky spots have made their way prominently on my cheeks, chin and even near my under eyes and lips. I’m usually barefaced without makeup and wish to continue that, so concealer has been one of my besties.

In a bid to lighten my skin discoloration, I’ve been using spot correctors and Vitamin C essences that promise to reduce pigmentation. As they are topically applied, results are not as quick. Also, those pigmentation that have been lingering for much longer are more stubborn. New ones are darkening faster than I can lighten them! :(

consultation before pico laser treatment
Shared with Dr. Mark about my skin woes during the consultation, to find out what solutions can help lighten pigmentation.

How do I get rid of pigmentation spots on my face?

I recalled that Halley Medical Aesthetics offers targeted skin treatments besides botox and dermal fillers which I’ve done previously.

So, I booked a consultation with Dr. Mark Lim who also remembered my skin concerns about pigmentation. During our discussion, he shared about a Pico Power of 3 laser treatment for pigmentation that would help.

In fact, at Halley Medical Aesthetics, this Pico Laser treatment is different from other aesthetic clinics in Singapore. The Pico Power of 3 treatment is specially designed by skin doctors at Halley to boost better results.

pico power of 3 laser treatment halley medical aesthetics
To achieve optimal skin transformation, Dr Mark combined the best of Fotona StarWalker PQX Pico Laser with the Cynosure PicoSure Laser.

What is Halley’s Pico Power of 3 Laser treatment?

I did the Halley’s Pico Power of 3 laser treatment (PicoSure + Fotona PQX Picolaser).

This laser programme features the Fotona StarWalker PQX Pico Laser with the Cynosure PicoSure Laser to make use of three different pico laser wavelengths. This combination gives patients a pigmentation and skin toning treatment that is more thorough and effective.

The new Fotona StarWalker PQX Pico Laser features both short and long laser wavelengths at 532nm and 1064nm respectively. It’s combined with the popular PicoSure Laser to treat skin at 755nm.

Expect little to no downtime, so I could return to work and get on with my day!

During treatment: Pico Power of 3 Laser to target pigmentation

I’ve done Picosure laser, perhaps, twice before. Those sessions were mild and quick, and one-off each time.

Was it painful? Not at all!

numbing cream before pico laser treatment
Numbing cream to the rescue! Before doing Laser treatment, it’s a must for me to have numbing cream keep any pain away!

I’ve a low pain threshold. So, I was relieved to have numbing cream applied before my customised treatment. HA! 20 minutes later, it was washed off and we started with the laser treatment.

During the session, I didn’t really feel anything, although I was slightly nervous. Oops. Closing my eyes meant I could only hear and let my imagination run wild. Hearing some sounds without seeing might have inflicted some fear too haha! At the sides of my face, I did feel the occasional quick sensation when the laser lens moved over. But that’s it!

I could see some red flashes of light, and smelt a slight burning smell. I learned that it was just my facial hair being zapped. All good!

Dr. Mark explained each step as he carefully targeted my stubborn dark spots. Whenever he changed the lens to activate a different function, he’d take the time to tell me what’s about to happen next. This made me feel assured about each step. Not being able to see what’s going on can be quite a scary feeling too!

Dr. Mark’s assistant also shot some cool air onto my treated skin areas to make things more comfortable for me. Much appreciated gesture!

pico power of 3 laser treatment review
Bye stubborn sun spots on my cheeks!

My customised anti-pigmentation treatment steps:

Using the 1st lens: We started at the lowest intensity to tackle those irritating spots concentrated at my problem areas. Acne spots were trickier as they were embedded deeper within my epidermis.

The next lens: This helped to remove visible fine lines around my forehead, at the ends of my eyes and my laugh lines.

With the 3rd lens: This toning step helped tackle my large pores, especially my T-zone. This step also helps to even out my skin tone. I’ve always had combination skin, and large pores were a concern especially when I was 17, 18 years old. My pores were obvious and these areas were often oily. I remember using several bottles of Laneige Pore Control to help mattify my oily skin. HA! Those were the days.

pico power of 3 laser treatment halley medical aesthetics
This was taken right after my laser session. Dr Mark explained to me about some redness, bumpy skin and a darker shade on my treated spots. All normal as they will lighten eventually.

Post-Pico Laser treatment and care

The actual treatment probably took about 20 minutes or so. A calming cooling skin recovery mask was applied after that. With gentle Chamomile extracts, it helps to soothe skin, reduce redness and hydrate skin after laser treatment.

review pico power of 3 laser treatment
After my Pico Power of 3 Laser treatment, a cooling mask helped to soothe and calm my skin of any redness and discomfort.

After 20 minutes, the post-treatment mask was cleaned off. The therapist did some gentle cleansing, applied hydrating skincare onto my skin along with sunscreen.

Sunscreen is SUPER IMPORTANT especially after doing Pico laser, right?

First, how did my skin look like right after doing Pico Power of 3 laser treatment on my face?

sun protection after pico laser treatment
Right after my first Pico Power of 3 laser treatment, I immediately revved up my sun protection to shield my skin!

After the laser treatment, it’s normal to see more obvious dark spots on the pigmentation areas. There’s just some slight redness on those areas which looks like enhanced freckles *oops* BUT, nothing a mask can’t cover (thanks, Covid haha!). If you’re feeling a little self-conscious like me, simply wear a face mask!

To shield against the scorching sun, I put on a cap with UV protection since I’ll be walking in opened, unsheltered areas. Don’t want to risk all the effort of eliminating pigmentation, and then not protecting my face when it’s most susceptible to UV rays, right? :P

Photo comparison: before and after 1 session of Pico Power of 3

Before versus after pico laser power of 3 at Halley Medical Aesthetics

Before and after 2 sessions of Pico Laser Power of 3:

comparing Pico Laser treatment results

Oh yes! I’ve to add that this is NOT magic in getting rid of dark spots and pigmentation instantly! Thus, a skin consultation with a professional and reputable aesthetics doctor is essential. From that, you’ll be advised on the number of sessions needed. For me, I needed 2 sessions with a 1-month interval, and possibly future treatments that are spaced further apart.

So, how much does it cost to do Pico Power of 3 Laser treatments? Each session is at $590 and you can refer to this price list for the different face rejuvenation treatments!

Skincare tips after Pico Laser treatment

After each laser treatment, do keep to a skincare routine to care for the delicate skin. I’ve some tips on how to take care of post-laser treatment skin. Best to know the Do’s and Don’ts for best results too!

It helps to use gentle and hydrating skincare products to re-balance post-laser skin. I added these skincare solutions from Halley Medical Aesthetics.

Step 1: Acne Buster Wash ($36, 100g)

post-laser skincare
Formulated to purify acne-prone skin, Halley’s Acne Buster Wash helps cleanse away excess sebum and impurities.

The Acne Buster Wash is a gentle gel facial cleanser for both day and night use. It helps to keep my oily T-zone at bay, without over-drying my combination skin. It doesn’t foam up alot unlike some cleansers which are laden with foaming agents. Formulated with Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid and fruit enzymes, this specially developed face wash helps boost skin renewal while reducing clogged pores that lead to acne.

Step 2: Skin Barrier Defence ($24.70, 100g)

post-laser skincare to boost hydration
After laser treatments, skin may be more dehydrated as oil and sebum have reduced. Post-laser care should include hydrating products like Halley’s Skin Barrier Defence to rebalance skin health.

Used as a moisture booster, I pat the Skin Barrier Defence into my skin after cleansing. This ceramide-enriched liquid is quickly absorbed and has almost no scent. It contains plant extracts like Licorice, Chamomile, and Witch Hazel to rehydrate and strengthen skin, keeping it soft and supple.

Step 3: Comedone Eraser Serum ($69, 15g)

anti-acne serum for pimples
This popular Comedone Eraser Serum helps to reduce acne, especially for oily and acne-prone skin areas.

As my chin area is very prone to big, angry zits, the kind folks at Halley recommended their Comedone Eraser Serum to tackle them. Like the Skin Barrier Defence, this was almost-like water but slightly tinted and absorbed quickly into my skin. I used 2 drops twice a day on my chin, cheeks and forehead as they are usually oilier. Interestingly, my chin breakout seems to be under control after using it for a month! *shhh* I guess this has helped to fight the bacteria which are in cahoots with my blackheads, whiteheads and excess sebum to pop more pimples!

P/S: 3 weeks after my first Pico Laser treatment with Halley, I went for a facial where a skin analysis was done. Then, I found out that I had high levels of bacteria beneath my skin! *sobs!* I think that’s why I keep getting recurring pimples on my chin, which leave acne marks after they burst!

Thereafter, I use my usual skincare products such as other concentrates, eye serum, moisturisers and sunblock daily!

Wish to get rid of your pigmentation and rejuvenate dull skin too? Do your research and look out for suitable laser treatments that target your needs. I hope my Pico Laser review and experience of my treatment at Halley Medical Aesthetics gives you an idea on what to expect!

Halley Medical Aesthetics
277 Orchard Road #03-15
Singapore 238858
Opening Hours: 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
Tel: +65 6737 8233
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